The water in turn flows at a controlled rate through the cell where it is super chlorinated. The in-line strainer on the inlet side of the manifold protects the tri-sensor and production cell from debris that might bypass the filter.
The location of the strainer next to a connection union makes periodic cleaning easy. The design of our patented bypass manifold guarantees optimum chlorine production and simplifies the installation process of the AutoPilot Purifing System.
Never buy, transport and store chlorine again
Softer, silky feeling water
No more red eyes and No staining of clothing
Automatically solves most of your water chemistry problems
Better water chemistry management
No algae growth to stain your surface
Chlorination eliminates need for harsh chemical shocking
Produces close to neutral pH water balance
ETL approved for swimming pool application
No handling or storage of harsh chlorine products
Continuous in-line super chlorination for healthy water
No caustic by-products
Ease of operation chemical regulation at your fingertips
Economical to operate less electricity usage
Water balance is more stable
Virtually eliminates the need for super chlorination